Hate Crime and Housing Providers

This three-hour workshop will help you and your organisation to provide an evidence-based approach to understanding hate crime, challenging it, and supporting victims.

Session outline:

In this workshop we will look at EIAs as a tool for helping you to ensure that:

Is hate crime an issue for housing providers?

Social housing tenants are four times more likely than owner-occupiers to be victims of hate crime. Social housing providers have significant local influence, involvement in multi-agency partnerships and a legal obligation to respond to hate incidents and crime.

Hate crime continues to be widely misunderstood, often being subsumed within anti-social behaviour, despite it having a more significant impact on its victims than non-hate motivated offences. Under-reporting is still a cause for concern and how service providers respond to allegations of hate crime, provide support, and undertake casework can make a huge difference in the well-being of victims, communities and fostering good relations in wider society.

About your trainer:

Picture of Kusminder Chahal

Kusminder Chahal

Kusminder Chahal has over 16 years experience of undertaking research, delivering training, and offering consultancy across the public and voluntary sector. His main areas of work include equality and diversity, hate crimes, racist harassment and community cohesion, health and housing needs assessments. Kusminder’s recent commissions have included writing a guidance manual for racial harassment / hate crime officers, researching the extent and level of non-reporting of racist harassment, facilitating senior managers learning on equality and diversity, researching and writing an equality and diversity policy, facilitating staff groups on their experiences of equality and diversity.

Kusminder’s published work includes “We can’t all be white!” Racist Victimisation in the UK (1999, funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation), co-authored Black and Minority Ethnic Housing Strategies: A Good Practice Guide (2000, Chartered Institute of Housing) and more recently Racist Harassment and Housing Services (2007, Race Equality Foundation).

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