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HDN works in partnership with a range of organisations and networks to provide additional benefits to our members as well as working with those that can help us achieve our mission of promoting equality and social justice in housing, neighbourhoods and communities.
Breakthrough UK
Breakthrough UK aims to promote the independence and integration of disabled people into society. They are a disabled people’s user led organisation – this means that 75% of the Board are disabled people and currently 85% of their staff.
Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) is the UK’s leading independent charitable research and member organisation, with a focus on economic development, regeneration and place-making. We think and do – promoting action and implementing new progressive economic activities which create positive environmental, health and social outcomes. In all our work the relationship between place, economy and people is central.
Learning isn’t simply a head thing, it’s an emotional experience. If you want people to really listen, to be actively engaged, and open to new ideas and possibilities, then you need to connect with them as whole human beings. Nothing does this quite like drama. Using professional actors and active learning techniques, Enact love bringing their more than 40 years combined experience and know-how to bear in making a dramatic difference.
HREC are a limited company with an associated law firm providing a range of services centred on equality, diversity & human rights.
CICI – Celebrate Identity Challenge Intolerance
CICI aims to Celebrate Identity and Challenge Intolerance through education in Equality and Diversity issues. Drawing on extensive experience of working to tackle discrimination, reduce prejudice and raise awareness regarding the dangers of intolerance, CICI can offer a range of tailored courses, workshops and e-learning.
Texthelp provide innovative literacy software. Their flagship product is Read&Write Gold that provides support for staff with dyslexia, English as a second language or those with low literacy skills. As a member of HDN you can receive a discount on this software. Find out more here
If you’d like to work with HDN then please get in touch – in**@ho*********************.uk or phone 01484 652 606.
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